... Medication and Drugs > Painkillers > Oxycodone > Percocet and. If ur wanting to shoot a percocet u need to get the kind with. first u need to crush up the pill as fine as u can.
Can you inject oxycodone hcl 5mg - The Q&A wiki
... Questions including "You want to know how you can get your doctor to switch you from a percocet 5mg to 10 mg" and "Is oxycodone morphine base" 7.5 325 can u shoot.
Yes u can, but u need to heat ur water first, do not hold it over a flame and let it boil. If it does it will jell up in ur syringe How can you shoot oxycodone? Posted in the OxyContin, Roxicodone, Oxycodone Forum. Pills are the most dangerous thing u can shoot because u never get all the binder. How do you dissolve percocet and shoot it - The Q&A wiki
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How can you shoot oxycodone? - Topix never ever shoot vics or perks only shoot pure oxycodone, oc, roxy etc. shooting codien or hydrocodon. can u shoot percs vics and if so how is it done the easiest way I'm.
Oxycodone 7.5 can u shoot it Keflex shampoo How to inject oxycodone hcl 30